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Is this wonderland?

The matrix provokes the audience through its narrative and visual elements to immerse the audience into their very own rabbit hole. The audience is directly submerged into the story of the matrix because “the matrix” is supposedly what we’re currently living. The audience is then lead to blur the line between virtual vs reality through out the movie. Worlds juxtaposed by technology becoming artifical intelligence may frighten many but this fear alone hooks us people in wanting more. The tension and relevance of this movie all appeal to the audience to keep them fascinated by the notion that anything is possible With the idea of the red and blue pills, computer grid and Neo as the second Jesus create an implicit desire for more development and understanding of this never ending story.

In the scene where Neo is given the choice between the red pill or the blue pill a ultimate sacrifice is made. As the red and blue pills are reflected in Neo’s glasses, the audience is led to reflect within themselves to ask which pill would they choose. If you take the red pill you would have to face the truth of reality. If you take the blue pill you could stay in “wonderland”  and live in blissful ignorance. Although it is clear that Neo would take the red pill because of the matrix plot, we can’t help but wonder what would happen in Neo chose the blue pill instead. The blue and red pill open the window for many possibilites for sequels to explore further.

For the opening image we are introduced to the green, vertically linear numbers that end in the title. Next we see a blinking green dot on an otherwise black, blank computer screen and then typing. As the camera comes increasingly closer and closer to the screen, all of a sudden it speeds up and we move through the computer screen, with and beyond the numbers. As the audience soon finds out as the story develops is that the this opening image is the computer grid. The computer grid is a reoccurent image that has a “looking through the rabbit hole” that is the audience’s direct view into the matrix. This doubling of reality through the computer screen is an interesting concept that can be marketed in more movies as well as video games.

Neo is referred to as the Chosen One, the reluctant hero, the savior, and the one who will lead his people to freedom. In order to do that, he must sacrifice himself, and rise from the dead.  He faces progressively greater challenges through the course of the movie, and as he begins to believe in himself, he is able to overcome these challenges, including being able to beat Agent smith. However when Agent smith explained to Morpheous that “The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization” , but what does this mean for Neo’s purpose? This causes the audience to speculate deeply about civilization and what our perfect world entails and how Neo’s new abilities can help, which in the end calls for more sequels.

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